The Real Reason So Many People Are Choosing To Build An Energy Efficient Home In The Adelaide Hills

According to the 2021 Census, there are 40,879 people living in just 16,267 homes in the Adelaide Hills. Population growth is around 0.42% which is less than half the 1.17% growth in Greater Adelaide. So it looks like we’re succeeding in keeping the Adelaide Hills our ‘secret paradise’ for a little longer!

However, one thing is changing in the Adelaide Hills. And that’s they type of homes people are building. In past decades, little consideration was given to energy efficiency when building. And with greater awareness about the environment, and more energy efficient products becoming available, people are choosing to build homes that require less energy to run — especially when it comes to heating and cooling which is very important in the Adelaide Hills).

Surprising Reasons To Go Energy Efficient With Your Adelaide Hills Home

Slash Energy Bill By 80%

Some homeowners want to save on their power bills. Depending on the size of your home and family, and your habits in cooking, cooling, and heating, an energy-efficient home can save as much as 80% on electricity. That means you could slash your $500 quarterly power bill to just $100 a quarter (or even less).

Save The Environment

Some people choose to build an energy-efficient home because it’s better for the environment. Using less energy alone is a huge benefit for the environment. Plus many energy-efficient products are made from recyclable materials. And the high-quality materials in an energy-efficient home last longer, further adding to financial and environmental benefits.

Last Longer With Less Maintenance

Some people build an energy-efficient home because the materials are higher in quality and thus last longer with less maintenance. This greatly reduces the total cost of ownership because of decreased ongoing expenses (not to mention the time you’ll save on upkeep).

Better For Your Family’s Health

And many people choose to build an energy-efficient home because of the health benefits. A stable internal temperature — consistent from floor to ceiling and room to room, with less fluctuation throughout the day — causes less stress on your body. A more balanced temperature in an energy-efficient home also reduces moisture, mildew and mould. The cumulative health benefits not only include cleaner air, but also less aggravation to allergies, better sleep, more energy, and greater mental clarity.

A More Comfortable Home

The main reason people build an energy-efficient home is simply because it’s more comfortable. An energy-efficient home – free of thermal bridges, and with a proper thermal envelope and quality double glazing – will maintain an internal temperature between 18-24 degrees all year round with little or no heating or cooling (even when the outside temperature fluctuates from zero degrees right up to forty degrees).

That’s right — you can let the best of the outside in – things like the energising natural light, rolling hill views, and general ambience of our ‘secret paradise’ — while keeping the extreme cold and heat at bay.

Your energy-efficient home will be the haven you’ve always wanted. The perfect place to relax and rejuvenate. Somewhere for your whole family to enjoy and make lifelong memories. And a home you’ll feel proud to invite guests to no matter the weather.

Free Expert Advice To Help You Build Your Dream Energy-Efficient Home


A comfortable, energy-efficient home needs to be designed and built to exacting standards. Small things (like incorrect window placement, or an insulation gap) will undermine the efficiency of your entire home and compromise your comfort.

Whether you’re ready to build or still looking at your options, we’d be glad to show you examples of energy-efficient homes we’ve built. We’ll go through the design elements, special building materials, and all the costs (and options) with you.


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5 Keys to Efficient Homebuilding

Enduro Builders is South Australia’s most sought-after builder, designer, and construction company. We are ready to create your unique, modern and high end luxury Energy Efficient homes.

Ready to talk?  Book an initial phone call today!

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