Will you get the elevator or the stairs with your builder? We know what you would likely prefer

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Our Projects

Ken and Lorelle

Enduro really are the experts in delivering....more informed than anyone else we spoke to.

Jeff and Tina

This sounds like he really cares about the building experience and that the customer is really happy

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At Enduro we are focused on working with like minded clients that wish to bring their home up to a new standard of building without compromising on an excellent building experience.

If you have a new build or large scale renovation (one which looks at making your whole house more efficient) then get in contact with us.

South Australia’s Most Sought After Builder Of High Performance And Sustainable Homes

We’re Certified Passive House Tradespeople and Consultants

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It looks like a brand new house and performs like a brand new house.

5 Keys to Efficient Homebuilding

Get your FREE copy of our comprehensive guide to building an Energy Efficient home in Australia

Enduro Builders is South Australia’s most sought-after builder, designer, and construction company. We are ready to create your unique, modern and high end luxury Energy Efficient homes.

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