Stirling Renovation

Project Story

Energy Efficient Outcomes

This was an old outdated typical double brick home, the owners loved it but it needed an upgrade.

We stripped the home back to the bones re insulating it all and applying Passive House principles improved the homes performance dramatically.

Initial blower tests had this home at 16.9 ACH whereas at the end it tested at 3.5ACH! This is equivalent to a new home being built! This is now the level of a high performance home all within the bones and character of the existing home!

By applying Passive House principles it can make a huge difference!

This is now the home owners dream home with comfort to boot!

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Technical info

Full internal renovation
Upgrade to energy efficiency of whole house

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It looks like a brand new house and performs like a brand new house.

We are the Energy Efficient
Custom Home and Passive
House specialists

Stirling Renovation Gallery

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latest projects

When you decide to design and build an Energy Efficient and Eco Friendly Home like a Passivhaus or Solar Passive design, you’re making a unique investment in the future.


Renovation and addition
Building Size 320sqm


New build
Building Size 196 sqm

Bridgewater – Winner 2022 Environment & Sustainability

New build
Size 224 sqm plus
Split level home


Book your initial contact

If you have a new build or large scale renovation (one which looks at making your whole house more efficient) then get in contact with us.


You can use all sorts of one worders, but all of those descriptions lead to the fact that if someone asks you if you would build with Enduro, would we say yes or no…well we would say YES!

5 Keys to Efficient Homebuilding

Get your FREE copy of our comprehensive guide to building an Energy Efficient home in Australia

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