Your Building Supervisor: The Hero Behind Your Dream Home (Or The Villain Behind Your Construction Nightmare)
The most important (and often the hardest-working) person involved in ensuring your new home is delivered on time and on budget is your Building Supervisor. They actively oversee the hundreds of individual steps that need to be executed in perfect sequence by dozens of skilled tradespeople. Missing or getting just one of those steps out of sequence could delay your home by weeks and cause it to run over budget by thousands.
When Supervisors Drop The Ball
Something as simple as an incorrect or forgotten order could mean the tiles, tapware, or window frames are not onsite ready for the relevant tradesperson to install. Or worse, the wrong product is delivered and installed (without being confirmed) and now needs to be ripped out and redone (a major problem with things like tiles).
This may seem like a minor issue, but the flow-on effect could mean the rest of your build needs to be rescheduled (possibly with second-choice trades). And alternative products chosen and rush-ordered (at extra cost), so your build doesn’t fall further behind.
Stages That Need To Be Strictly Supervised
Building your dream Adelaide Hills home involves at least 15 stages and hundreds of steps that need to be strictly supervised including:
Site prep
Electrical and plumbing rough in
Lining interior
Wet areas
Floor coverings
Every step must be planned and scheduled to perfection, executed with skill and attention to detail, and checked to ensure they meet the high standards you expect for your home.
Why So Many Supervisors Let You Down
There’s no doubt, some Construction Supervisors simply don’t have the attention to detail or organisational skills to keep everything moving smoothly. But the number one reason so many supervisors drop the ball is simply because they are trying to keep too many balls in the air (supervise too many homes).
Anyone can toss and catch one ball. With practice, most people can juggle two balls. But very few people can juggle three balls. And only skilled jugglers can keep 4 or more balls in the air at once.
The problem is, construction supervisors are often forced (by their building companies) to oversee too many homes.
How Many Homes Is Too Many For One Supervisor
A skilled, experienced Construction Supervisor can reasonably be expected to oversee the construction of around 6 homes (depending on their level of complexity and location). But lots of building companies force their supervisors to take responsibility for 15-25 homes (and even 50 homes). It’s just not possible. That’s why so many things get missed.
The Solo Builder / Supervisor Struggle
Smaller building companies and solo builders often fall into the trap of trying to do everything themselves. This is equally problematic as they struggle to juggle sales and marketing, administration, design, council, supplier sourcing and ordering, trade recruitment, construction, quality assurance, client communication, and after sales support. Once again, the result is mistakes that cause things to run over time, over budget, and under quality.
The Ideal Supervisory Balance
Ideally, your Construction Supervisor will be responsible for no more than 6 homes at once. And you will have direct contact with them, so you always know what’s happening.
Additionally, you will have your own Design Supervisor prior to building. Someone with the skills and experience to help you get your floorplan and selections perfect. And someone who is familiar with every detail of your home to ensure nothing is missed in the planning stage.
Free Advice To Ensure Your Home Is Properly Supervised (Design And Construction) So It’s Finished On Time and On Budget
As you now know, building a home involves hundreds of steps that all need to be planned and scheduled perfectly, executed by dozens of different tradespeople, and kept on track by a skilled supervisor.
Whether you’re ready to build or still looking at your opftions, we’d be glad to demonstrate what our supervisors do to deliver our homes on time and on budget. And show you the end result – stunning, energy-efficient homes. And help you in your journey to building your dream home.